LMM Vision Issue 18 - Q3 2024

22 LMM V I S I O N ISSUE 18 | Q3 2024 LMM VI S ION QUARTERLY EDITION ISSUE 18 – Q3 2024 ISSN: 2653-9519 A JOINT PUBLICATION OF LATSCO MARINE MANAGEMENT INC. & SAFETY4SEA © LATSCO MARINE MANAGEMENT INC. (LMM) © SAFETY4SEA LMM 4, Xenias Str, 14562, Kifisia www.latsco.com SAFETY4SEA 2, Afentouli Str, 18536, Piraeus info@safety4sea.com www.safety4sea.com DISCLAIMER / TERMS OF USE The content of this magazine is provided by LATSCO MARINE MANAGEMENT INC. (LMM) & SAFETY4SEA for information sharing and educational purposes only. While both LMM & SAFETY4SEA have taken due care and diligence to ensure that all the information and material provided herein is, to the best of their knowledge and understanding, true accurate and complete. Furthermore LMM & SAFETY4SEA make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the Information. Any reliance placed on such Information is therefore strictly at the readers own risk and no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage howsoever arising. The reproduction or distribution of any part of this publication in part or as a whole is NOT permitted without the prior written consent of LMM & SAFETY4SEA as all intellectual property rights are fully reserved by LMM & SAFETY4SEA for their own content respectively. Furthermore LMM has no liability whatsoever with regards to the material provided by SAFETY4SEA, while SAFETY4SEA has no liability whatsoever with regards to the material provided by LMM within this publication. This disclaimer shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. INCIDENT REPORT ●● Inadequate supervision / monitoring / verification ●● Inadequate coordination ●● Inadequate assessment of needs & risks Team Engagement & Discussion Topics ●● Describe the information you take into consideration for Passage Plan Appraisal. ●● When will passage plan be required to be amended? What actions will you take? ●● How are you informed about local requirements affecting passage plan? Incident Description A Company’s vessel was proceeding from Brofjorden to Antwerp when a notification from Netherlands Coast Guard was received via VHF Ch.16, informing that TSS off Texel was violated and a financial penalty applied for “out of Court “settlement. Root Causes I.Substandard Action: ●● Inadequate evaluation of available information on appraisal stage of passage plan ●● Failure to comply with Netherland Coast Guard regulation for ‘Off texel’ TSS ●● Misinterpretation of Ship’s Routeing Guide parts B (TSS Off texel) and G, Section II ●● Failure to follow Company’s Procedures II.Substandard Condition: ●● Sudden revision of voyage orders – new destination port III.Personal Factors: ●● Inadequate diligence ●● Inadequate discipline to procedures IV.Job Factors: Lessons learned Passage Plan shall always comply with international and local regulations. In any case interpretation of any regulation is not clear or in doubt, Master shall consult responsible Marine Supt or Marine Manager during appraisal stage of passage plan and prior execution for further guidance. Netherlands Coast Guard TSS violation